Featured Testimonials

Donna Nicholls
South Wales
The whole 5 sessions were life changing for me as I was holding on to negative beliefs and hurt from my childhood and Yogita helped me see that I could reprogram my brain and tell myself another more positive story going forward.

Bhavani Arshanapally
Los Angeles
My journey with Yogita was really amazing. All the sessions were systematically designed, interrelated, well-coordinated and result oriented. Before the beginning of every session, she used to brief me about the step-by-step method she

Bhairavi Narvekar
Dear Yogita infinitely thank you for all the amazing transforming therapy coaching sessions. I'm very much grateful and in deep gratitude for all your efforts and hardwork you did on Me..I must say that these five sessions are blessings to Me which
I highly recommend Yogita's healing sessions. She is a evolved healer and can understand the depth of one's problems. She programs each session and suggests remedies accordingly. For removal of blockages and to have a calmer, positive life one can always trust Yogita. Also it's amazing the way she can scan the problems and can recommend a particular healing therapy out of her various types of healing therapies. Whether it is sound bath, energy healing, Chakra healing ,womb healing, Therapy coaching sessions or any of the therapies, one can be assured to be in safe hands of You are the one person don't need words and phone calls and meeting up with and to connect to. Beyond the distance and time I feel I am always connected to you. Thank you for always being there for me in the dimension which we understand exist and the way our souls communicate. Thank you for your guidance and unconditional love always.

Yogita has been of immense help when she channelled her energies to my uncle’s energies, when he was in his final stages of life. As a family, we were extremely broken down, and didn’t know if he was going to go away peacefully or was suffering. Her timely connection and reassurance about him and his journey gave us our answers, and also gave him a peaceful passage to transit to the world beyond.Womb healing with Yogita, has been one of the most soulful and soul deep experiences. It helped me feel connected to my ancestors and realise the strength within which has been Passed down. After the session, I felt energised and empowered in a different way. Yogita has the ability to heal through different realms and any session with her will be an investment for your soul .Thank you Yogita ,for being there

I have no words to thank god for sending you as an angel in my life. I was broken and felt stuck with energy blocks when I saw your message of healing sessions. I decided to take up few sessions from you. I am really grateful for each and every session , your time, guidance, help. Deep gratitude from the bottom of my heart. Every session with Yogita was an experience of bliss, lightness and joy. In the fourth session I experience the trans state and I felt a peace and joy together. It was a beautiful feeling and experience I had. I could feel that energy blocks were uprooted and removed from my system. Her guidance method really helped me a lot, my meditation experiences from that day has been different and beautiful. Each session I could feel the cleansing, healing and felt the releases which happened during the sessions and after was prominently felt and experienced. I could feel the change in my energy and felt the heart chakra opening up during your sessions and during my daily meditations. My inner child wounds were healed by your sessions, tools and practices done. You were so full of love and very particular with scheduling the sessions and following up after the sessions. I was so touched and happy with your session. I feel so light , joyfull. After your fourth session my daily meditation experience has changed tremendously and I want to do meditation more often now. I am more calmer and my bursting reactions have come down. Thank you thank you thanks a ton to you for everything YOGITA.

Yogitta is a multidimensional Healer and Channeller. When I sat with her for my session I was stunned at the levels and layers she could see into and clear. She constantly channelled symbols, codes and keys and integrating them into my system. The healing was so powerful that I was in a trance like state for several hours and could feel the energies work on me. Divine Gratitude to her for such a powerful session. She can assist persons on the path of Ascension as she can look into issues unknown to many. I wish her the best of everything on her journey forward as a Therapist Healer and Coach.

I had contacted Yogita for someone else very close to me, but I ended having my own personal sessions with her. I have been going through several personal crisis and coping with it is so difficult. But every session with Yogita has been a bliss. I can see a massive shift in my energy, mood after every session. Everytime before session, I have been feeling low on energy, generally dull and every time after the session I feel charged up. Thank you so much Yogita for all the help you have provided me to cope with my issues. You cleansing and healing session helped me a lot to release my stress . I could actually feel light and relieved after the session. It was such an amazing experience. Thank you so much.

I Could feel the vortex of energy on my crown chakra.I was feeling shielded protected , anchored & grounded . Was feeling blessed merging & hugging mother earth. Was feeling oneness with heart centre , Heart &
expanding Was feeling inner bliss.Could feel the releases happening from my feet.Soul Extension Meditation Could feel Sai baba's pure energies. Black Snake & Purple light.Got connected to the heart centre & Third of the snake & tingling in ny 3rd eye.Could feel light from heat & 3rd eye. Before the snake was sad after sending blessing ,love & did forgiveness after that snake was happy .Blessings , love & Forgiveness has so much power when I .Could feel energy In my 3rd eye. Felt breathlessness & I was receiving vibration on my 3rd eye.
I was receiving energies from masters.
When I was saying affirmation I was feeling confident.
Soul level connect i felt connected to the higher power and guided by the universe & loved by the Universe and got the msg I can do anything & powerful. I felt I am peaceful.Could feel the Vortex of energy.
And felt the connection at the heart centre & could feel the releases.
Writting my feedbacks I am expressing myself in a better way.
Thankyou Yogita .

First I would like to thank you for all these amazing Theraphy sessions with you. In the 5th session, I felt really felt blessed when I met one of my soul extension,& saw a bright light with the presence of Saibaba. Heart chakra opening space meditation was also so much blissfull..Each time during heart space opening meditation could feel those unconditional loving vibrations on my heart centre n more n more my heart centre would open & receive . and simultaneously used to feel so much realeases of suppressed lower emotions from so many many life times That I was holding it., I am so much grateful to Yogita for these amazing life changing sessions. After that so beautifully you hold the sacred space for me..Listened to me so calmly.My inner child healing was done & could release those inner child wounds from my childhood and your guidance ,tools & practices for that, really helped me a lot and I felt very lighter and happy.My inner child was at at peace ,smiling & in Joy Whenever you used to open up the space & guide towards the meditation, Everytime felt lots of releases, Activations & downloads through out the session from start to end felt energies, Yogita you are really a great Healer ,an Intuitive Life Coach,I've ever met in my life. Thank you, thank you , thank you so much for your support and these beautiful sessions, I am really blessed for having you in my life. Always grateful to you.

I felt very relaxed and pleasant in visualisation of childhood and beautiful nature.. Didn't wanted to come back.. In merkaba meditation really felt something going on in my stomach which were releases happening. IT was amazing experience mam,felt n saw knots were opening when white light passing through in the meridian points. When all this going on back pain started and stopped after you healed it.,No words to say, I am just amazed. Many many thanks for those wonderful experience ma'am..You are doing really great work.. I really found change in my behaviour and mental status. Feeling more confident and relaxed.. It all happened due to your guidance ma'am.. I m always thankful for that my Angel mam . I will always follow ur guidance and work on myself to release bad energies, healing and receive Love and Light.
Thank you very much Yogita ma'am. Today's divine Card reading session was very awesome. I got perfect solution for my problems and correct direction to lead ahead. Will recommend this session to everyone if you are having any confusion in my mind regarding taking any decision or in relationship or in career.You will get perfect solution, get clarity in thoughts regarding what to do exactly or what is correct one for us..Yogita ma'am you are also an Angel and true friend for me who is always guiding me in the right direction.
Thank you very much. lots of blessings and love you Yogita ma'am .

I have no words to express my Gratitude to you Yoggita. I'm so blessed to be able to have these sessions with you. From session 1 to session 5 ,I have seen so many positive changes in myself and my life. While you were doing the chakra cleansing and activation I could literally feel the vibrations. My body was feeling so light and energized. While you were singing the Soul song and the light codes
I was feeling a Divine Pull. I could feel the energy and the Power in your voice. It was so mesmerizing. I would also like to add that after being a part of your Healing sessions I have also started introspectiing and looking at all the situations drom different perspectives. As you always said during my sessions to give Love energy, it has brought me such amazing feelings and experiences. Im so so so Grateful to the Divine and to you for these sessions. Forever Grateful . God Bless you and your family always .

I know Yogita from last 12 years and experienced her energy work healings for me and my family. From time to time she has healed me and my entire family whenever we were in trouble.Yogita is highly intuitive. Her observations and advices guidance are very very useful to tackle difficulties in our lives . Thanks a million Yogita for everything you did for me and my family.
Thanks dear Yogita
Before heart space meditation I was not optimistic about my health issues but after second session and the all meditations after that I am much at ease about my health issues. Much Confident to heal my mind body soul and Yes I Felt inner bliss happiness saw vibrant colors and was at peace during my heart space meditation.

Thank you Yogita for the sessions . The Divine Decree and releasing statements were so powerful that ,I could feel the releases happening from my energy feild and I could connect with one of my soul extensions ,which was a highly evolved soul ,It gave me an energy transmission and I was receiving it through my third eye & heart chakra with Yogita's guidance. The Negative form removal was also very powerful could release many negative old stuck energies from my energy feild . It is always a very heavenly feeling while we invoked spiritual masters, Angels and did Grounding meditation. Over the session I have learnt to be more receptive and putting intentions hence it comes easier to me now. Knowing about my soul extensions and understanding that we can either seek blessings from them or can also help them get free; all these are altogether a different experience. It's completely divine and now I believe that the more intention I put more I will be able to benefit and raise my vibrations. I really feel like diving deeper into this subject . Thank You Yogita for this amazing 5 sessions .

Gratitude Yogita ,You are gem of person and filled with so many qualities.You know and practice so many healing modalities and yet down to earth.Your energies are so high and pure,you never hesitate in sharing your knowledge and healing people who need it.I am glad that you are conducting this Theraphy coaching sessions and many souls will get benefitted from it and get healed.
