“Life is a Journey, make it an Amazing One.
Get Real, Make a Change, Starting Here.”

Welcome all divine souls!
I am YOGITA CHITTE. Therapist of the New World. An Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach.
As an Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach, I will help you learn to trust yourself and your intuition.
I’m passionate about helping you see your life in a new light and get you to where you want to be professionally, personally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
I am Therapist of the New World Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach , Energy Therapist , Light language Channeler ,Sacred keys codes and Geometries Channeler, Multi- Dimensional Healer & Channeler,Reiki Master Teacher, Inner Child Therapist, EFT Practioner, Galactic Shaktipath Facilitator, Sound Therapist/ Healer ,Yoga Instructor and Therapist.
You will learn how to keep peace in your life even when you are surrounded by chaos,and you will deepen your sense of knowing what life and universe is all about. You will be able to clear your mind and finally understand that you need to become happy,whole and spiritually in-tune.
My coaching sessions will help to get in touch with your inner you .
Our Online Sessions
Intuitive life coaching session
My Intuitive Life coaching sessions basically work with the energy of the Client and project to resolve their deepest issues. I use intuition to sense the blockages and help to root out the source of their pain. Further I assist the client by guiding them through the process of introducing new habits, thoughts, and beliefs that support the life they want to live. By healing these issues and altering their consciousness, they can open themself to love the abundance of opportunities that life has to offer. An intuitive coach makes you aware of your own energy fields and works with you on shifting your emotional states to bring you back into alignment with the source of energy, unlimited and unconditional love which, in turn creates harmony in your life.
60 Min Session | By Yogita Chitte
Inner child healing session
All of us have that Emotional triggers, Some negative emotions or unhealed childhood trauma can affect our lives and childhood in long run. Our inner child has varied emotions,which sometimes we ignore or we are afraid to reflect them in our present lives. No matter what age we are in, the inner child is always our present in our heart and in our soul. Inner child work can help you resolve childhood emotions, memories, and traumas that you still hold inside. If you are ignoring the emotions and memories of your childhood, you are allowing yourself to live in the pain of the past. You might not always feel this pain, but it can have developed into issues you are struggling with today.
60 Min Session | By Yogita Chitte
Womb healing session
Our womb is a place where we accumulate a lots of past life issues ,negative energetic cords of present and past lives, trauma, fear, generational patterns , suppressed negative thought patterns, karmic baggage , judgements passed since childhood. Your Womb chakra gets blocked because of these accumulations.
The Womb Space is ALSO our seat of deep wisdom and our creative power center. It is where we birth new life and/or new ideas into the world. The truth is, birthing doesn’t just happen on the physical plane in the form a child.
60 Min Session | By Yogita Chitte
Book a Free Consultation
Sound healing session
We live in an exciting time where we are once again remembering the divine nature of sound, and tuning in to the power of sound to heal us. Sound healing relaxes the body, calms the mind, speaks the soul and opens the heart. Sound healing supports mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being
It also heals on the mental and emotional levels. Sound healing helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It balances and clears the mind, and leads to a renewed sense of purpose, well-being, calm, and happiness. Deep relaxation is one of the most significant and universal benefits of sound therapy.
60 Min Session | By Yogita Chitte
Remote energy healing session
Energy Healing is a pleasant and powerful therapy that helps you connect to your inner source of vibrancy and life force, making it available to shift physical, emotional, and mental dysfunction to health and well-being.Everyone can benefit from Energy Healing. Whether you have been diagnosed with a physical disease or are experiencing physical discomfort, are struggling with mental or emotional difficulties, or are looking to bring your mind, body, and spirit into alignment, you can benefit from this session. Energy Healing opens you up to a deeper sense of ease, well-being, and purpose, and brings you back to your true self.
60 Min Session | By Yogita Chitte
Healing with light language codes
Light Language is channeled Multidimensional language that bypasses the conscious mind. It is ancient and sacred. It can be spoken by voice or hands, Sung and written. These frequencies can do many profound things in our energetic bodies. One of the main benefits Light Language can assist with is to Activate your Dormant DNA. Light Language works at a quantum level which your heart and soul understand. It activates your Soul Blueprint and assists you to become your Authentic Self.
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